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Blog June 2019 Updated July 2023

Management Priorities: How to tick all the boxes

How to tick all the boxes

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Frank Bolsø

Frank Bolsø

AMCS Platform Specialist

How to tick all the boxes

Norway is one of the most digital countries in Europe, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing enough to progress. Whether you’re a private waste management company or municipal, you have a level of digital maturity.

The AMCS 2018 Digital Transformation Barometer report defines these levels of digital maturity among the organizations surveyed. (If you’ve not yet seen the report, it’s worth a look.) One of the interesting takeaways is the priorities of management.

While these priorities vary in order by each group or aren’t even a priority for some, it’s worth listing them here. For our purpose at the moment, these are in no particular order:

  • Digital transformation (digitizing current processes)
  • Increasing productivity and efficiency
  • Employee satisfaction and loyalty
  • Customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Improving sustainability
  • Cost reduction

This is where using a best-in-class platform enters the picture, or should. According to the European Commission, because it can help you achieve all of these goals.

Digital transformation (digitizing current processes)
A good platform should drive automation and standardize and optimize end-to-end processes. This is the foundation of your digital maturity. Go for a cloud-based platform that will empower you to progress in your digital transformation.

Don’t back yourself into a corner. You want a platform that seamlessly integrates with industry-specific software that will cover your entire operation. Otherwise, you’re looking at an incredibly expensive mistake.

Increasing productivity and efficiency
Assuming you choose a platform that allows for everything we just mentioned, you’re up and running. You can add your enterprise management system without a hitch, along with best-in-class optimization capabilities, such as on-vehicle technologies and route optimization. All of these things together give you transparency into your operations with real-time data. You are now working efficiently and can make informed actionable decisions.

For example, with a best-in-class route planner – which your platform allowed you to add with ease – you can save up to 25% on the number of vehicles you put on the road.

Employee satisfaction and loyalty
A superior platform that allows for these capabilities makes everyone’s job easier. That is, perhaps, the biggest advantage to digital: tasks are just simpler to carry out. Digital does the heavy work. And because employees now have immediate intelligence to get the desired results, there’s a feeling in a job well done. Happy employees are rarely scanning job boards, so with a humble, best-in-class platform, you’re helping to keep good people. Keep in mind, too, that employee satisfaction is linked to increased productivity – the two feed each other.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty 
When you’re able to work more productively, the people who ultimately benefit are your customers. The higher quality of your digitalization, the better you’re able to offer on-demand services. Real-time data lets you respond immediately to situations.

Flip the scenario. With a platform that creates more problems than it solves, it’s the customers who suffer. Needless to say, but we’ll say it anyway, unhappy customers complain and don’t stick around.

Improving sustainability
Regarding environmental issues, Norway has a well-developed regulatory system. This is another example of where digital maturity enhances the process for waste management companies and municipals. By choosing a platform that integrates easily with particular modules, you can collect the data you need for more accurate reporting.

Another point: By working more efficiently, you’re also gaining financial sustainability for your organization.

Increasing social responsibility
By adding a quality fleet planner module to your platform, you can optimize your routes and cut your CO2 emissions by up to 25%.  More efficient and fewer routes, less petrol burned – a smart platform isn’t simply good for business, but for the environment.

Cost reduction
Here again, the right platform makes it possible to realize fantastic savings. If you can seamlessly add intelligent optimization to your platform, you can see a reduction in mileage and driving time of up to 25%. That’s only one example of your potential cost savings.

It all starts with your platform
It bears repeating. Start with a best-in-class platform. From there, you can not only achieve your goals but exceed them.

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