Sustainability at the heart of AMCS

Sustainability is at the core of our company mission: ‘to drive sustainability in resource intensive industries through automation and digital transformation to realize an economically viable net-zero carbon future’. Simply, AMCS is striving to utilize ‘Digital Ways to (create) a Cleaner World’.

We are dedicated to delivering solutions that help our customers operate in a more sustainable way - by de-carbonizing their operations and improving their resource management capabilities, thus helping mitigate against climate change and depletion of finite natural resources.

Our customers, including some of the world’s largest resource companies, are involved in water and renewable energy management, as well as the recycling/recovery of metal, plastics, organic, paper and solid waste.

We are committed to the development of end-to-end software application solutions that automate processes, improve efficiencies and drive customer productivity that ultimately, support the drive towards a circular economy, generating a positive impact on the environment.

Accreditations & Certifications

AMCS is focused on playing our part to ensure that our sustainability efforts meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future.  To guide us, we have a team dedicated to the quality and continuous improvement (QCI) of our business processes, centered on sustainability improvements.

ISO Quality and Environmental certifications

Our industry Accreditations  includes ISO 9001:2015 (Quality) and ISO14001:2015 (Environmental) certifications.

The ISO 14001 certification specifies the requirements for an effective Environmental Management System (EMS) and provides the framework that AMCS follows to establish environmental performance requirements. Our Environmental Management System is certified to support the following outcomes

  • Minimizing how our operations and products negatively impact the environment in terms of carbon footprint and sustainable practices
  • Complying and in some cases exceeding requirements of all applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally orientated requirements
  • Continuously striving to improve our impact on the environment with a focus on reducing any wasted resources, carbon emissions and safeguarding our planets finite resources
  • Minimizing the carbon footprint of our wider supply chain

Supporter of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Center

Additionally, AMCS is a supporter of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Corporate Citizenship Centre and Circular Economy & Sustainability program - a forum to collaborate with companies that are passionate about sustainability, reuse and responsible business practices.

Supporting the Corporate Citizenship Center provides AMCS with a forum in which to network and collaborate with companies that are passionate about sustainability, reuse and responsible business practices.  With companies from a wide range of sectors as well as Government and NGOs, this unique program represents some of the best thinking and most active application of ideas for sustainable and circular business models.

CCC and the Circular Economy and Sustainability program aligns with AMCS’s priority to make the world a cleaner place.  We are making a multi-faceted commitment to support the program with our resources and expertise. Technology and digital innovation is a critical enabler for many elements of the circular economy value chain to help these business models be successful in the U.S.

AMCS President North America, Michael Winton

Employee Spotlight: Michael Anderson (New Zealand)

The meaning of sustainability to me is reducing your life’s toll on the earth and the people around you. I’ve also found that making changes in my own life can have very a positive effect on mental health. I am passionate about sustainability and practice these values in my everyday life such as all the usual in terms of home waste management, soft plastic recycling and a heavy re-use approach, growing food at home, shopping at second-hand stores and reduced use of motor vehicles.

I also work fully remote, which enables me to eat sustainable foods at my home and eliminate my work transport footprint. I am also a sustainability ambassador for ANZ which enables me to assist with company level changes and research to further AMCS towards our goal of net 0 emissions.

Sustainability Processes

At AMCS we are focused on product stewardship, which is an environmental strategy that means whoever designs, produces, sells or uses our product takes responsibility for minimizing the products environmental impact throughout all stages of the product’s lifecycle. Our Product teams work to create conditions and features that support sustainability-related innovations.

To support this, our internal teams follow the most effective practices to ensure our clients, and their end-customers, receive these benefits too; for example all our employees receive environmental awareness training on how we can reduce our negative impact on the environment, such as, reduction in C02 emissions through use of video conferencing rather than extensive international travel, responsible waste reduction, recycling and disposal, as well as other energy and resource reduction practices. Similarly, our Professional Services teams ensure the applications we implement help drive environmentally friendly solutions, which reduce our carbon footprint.

AMCS apply environmental consideration criteria when approving new providers. We maintain a register of all ISO14001 and RoHS Compliant Certs (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) for our Critical providers.

Policy Training and Communication

Our Environmental Policy sets organizational objectives which are consistent with our policies. AMCS train our personnel in Environmental Awareness particularly those who have any role in handling, storing, or otherwise managing hazardous waste, as a necessary step to ensure compliance.

Training includes:

  • Prevention and reduction of waste and use of resources (e.g., paper printing and everyday energy management)
  • Basic procedures to maximize recycling
  • Carbon informed decisions – meetings versus flights, reducing visits to office by offering work from home and hybrid alternatives
  • Human and environmental risks
  • Measures of precaution in waste management
  • Responsibilities and authorities.

We evaluate, grade, store, label and transport all waste products related to AMCS activity per the ISO 14001 standard and maintain a register of Certified and Licensed carriers who pick up and dispose of our waste.

We maintain an Aspects and Impacts Register which monitors, measures and applies a risk factor to all our activities which impact the environment. We hold regular management reviews of our Environmental Monitoring Services and combine our objectives to high-risk impacts directly linked to our aspects.

Employee Spotlight: Ann-Sofie Linnemann (Netherlands)

The meaning of sustainability to me has always been related to protecting and honoring the land and ocean, and that we are aware that these are not endless resources for us to use.

I want to make sure that the footprints I leave while being on earth are as sustainable as possible. The ocean is my safe haven, so plastic pollution has always caused me a heavy heart. That is also why my sustainable everyday practices involves waste management and recycling, avoiding single-use products, mainly buying second-hand, taking the bike or public transport and cut down on meat consumption.

I was a sustainability ambassador for the Copenhagen office, and now I share the title with my colleague Marlene Breitenegger, in the Dutch office, which enables us to assist level changes and research to further AMCS towards our goal of net 0 emissions.

AMCS has considered the nature and scale of our environmental impacts on the activities, services, and products which we produce. In identifying these, we have determined the positive impacts our solution has on helping our customers realize their environmental objectives and the negative significance of our environmental aspects, using science-based targets. We have created a framework for monitoring, measuring, mitigating, and reducing our emissions in line with IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) pathways.

Suzanne Fehily, Global Quality and Continuous Improvement Manager

Employee Spotlight: Marlene Breitenegger (Netherlands)

My project Kajak Kollektief is all about going onto the water and picking up trash. We rent out kayaks to volunteers in exchange for the bags of trash that they collect from the canals of Amsterdam. With Kajak Kollektief, I hope to inspire others and impart the message that living a sustainable life can be achieved by taking that first small step.

Moreover, I want to share that living sustainably can be fun - for example by taking the kayak out for a nice tour and exploring the city, going on a hunt for vintage clothes, or finding new vegan recipes to cook at home.

I aim to incorporate these principles in my day-to-day work at AMCS and pave the way towards a greener and more mindful industry. 

Employee Engagement

Sustainability is embedded in our corporate culture and training initiatives. Our Quality and Continuous Improvement team, communicate sustainability goals within our organization regularly, through internal learning sessions and employee initiatives

AMCS’ dedicated Corporate & Social Responsibility (CSR) team plans and promotes corporate initiatives that supports sustainability through economic, environmental, and societal factors.

At AMCS we believe in contributing to our communities, and in protecting the environment to create a sustainable environment for future generations.  We get involved, and have fun supporting our local communities, demonstrating CSR at every opportunity.

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