Blog June 2020 Updated December 2023

Operational insights enables quick responses for metal recyclers

Through real-time data exchange AMCS Recycling Software tracks all operational processes

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Conor Dowd

Conor Dowd

Global Head of Product Marketing, AMCS

Through real-time data exchange AMCS Recycling Software tracks all operational processes

Due to real-time data exchange with the industry-specific AMCS Recycling Software metal recyclers can respond immediately to the current price and market information. This is evident from an interview with two experts, Martin Weper and Conor Dowd, who both have many years of experience in the recycling industry. In particular, the transparency and the full insights the end-to-end solution provides in all operations enables metal recyclers to act quickly which contributes to strengthening their competitive edge, they state.

"Real-time insights both in operations, financials and margins"

Complete transparency of the overall operation is one of the significant benefits metal recyclers can profit from by automating their operational processes with one single end-to-end solution, according to Martin Weper, Managing Director of AMCS Recycling Software in Germany. “Companies at any location and at any time have real-time insights both in operations, financials and margins. That is a huge advantage, also especially for small and medium-sized companies. Nowadays more than ever metal recyclers are faced with a series of challenges. The complex logistic recycling process, rapidly changing prices, and fluctuations in the global steel market require companies to respond quickly and with the flexibility to the new circumstances”, he says.

“Additionally, metal recyclers are also facing the headwinds of the global economy they currently experience. Even for smaller metal recyclers, a quick response, for instance to changing prices, is of the utmost importance. Since the integrated system also provides the possibility to link materials to actual price lists, for instance, those of the London Metal Exchange, this enables recycling companies flexible pricing. This is one of the other major benefits of the recycling software”, he emphasizes. “Because of this, metal recyclers can react to changing market circumstance in a relatively short period of time.”

"Managing the metal recycling supply chain with one single IT system"

AMCS Recycling Software can provide exactly that, it becomes clear. The industry-specific solution specially developed for metal recyclers includes the whole range of functionalities to digitize and automate operational recycling processes. This includes solutions for multi customers/multi loads pricing, contract management, dispatching, weighing both on the weighbridge and on the scales in the yard. The recycling software also provides in material management, inventory management, mobile grading and accounting complete with a self-service customer portal and document management.

The core element to allow for completely digital prices is the operational workflow with real-time data exchange between both the weighbridge, the scales in the yard, and the centralized system to capture both grading and weight against an order. Real-time data exchange also enables companies to constantly track materials and with that to smoothly streamline processes. The recycling software is also multifaceted, for instance, an account can be both a customer and/or a supplier. Additionally, the position with costs and value of the stock can always be managed.

“A standard conventional ERP system doesn’t work in this market”

Because of the fact that de AMCS Metal Recycling Software digitizes and automates the entire metal recycling supply chain the solution stands out in the market, adds Conor Dowd, Head of Sales for Waste and Recycling Solutions for UK and Ireland at AMCS. “The end-to-end solution covers every operational process from buying, material grading, processing, recycling, paying by yield, selling, stock management including a financial system. That is why standard conventional ERP systems don’t work in this market. Metal recyclers are looking for specialized functionalities and support which is specific to their industry. I know from years and years in the waste and recycling industry that you won’t find this in conventional ERP systems.”

And he knows why this is. “Metal recyclers buy materials, process them, and sell them again. In other words: they unlock materials and add value before selling them. Transparency all through the metal recycling supply chain is an important prerequisite to know at any time what the costs are of the purchased materials, processing them and what the best price is to sell them. For this, companies need constantly to be up-to-date both about the market prices and the raw, WIP, and finished stock. Therefore, the real-time tracking of materials makes the solution to stand out against any standard operational ERP system in the market.”

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