About Lang Recycling
Lang Recycling stands for smart solutions in metal recycling. They offer industrial to medium-sized business customers individualized disposal concepts, which they are able to implement through carefully planned processes. In this way, they can deliver their customers a real added value while at the same time protecting the environment.
They do this by focusing on planning and an adaptive, intelligent approach to creating ideal conditions for their customers so that industrial companies can dispose of metallic residues better, melting companies receive superior products and recycling companies can benefit from optimal efficiency. Lang Recycling’s overarching goal is to give their customers more service, more economic value, more variety, more safety, and more sustainability.
The company currently employs around 200 people and recycles approximately 700,000 tons of metal scrap per year. Over the past few years, Lang Recycling has recycled over 400 different types of scrap metal.
Recycling more than 400 different types of scrap metal is an enormous challenge in terms of inventory assessment and management. "In the past, our records were written down manually on slips of paper and later added to AMCS. As a result, our inventories were not updated every day, which exposed us to additional costs.”
Taking control of a large and variable inventory
As Managing Director Maximillian Lang explains, while the technical equipment they use in the business is important, the system performance plays a prominent role in how they design their processes. How those processes are designed helps to define the added value that Lang Recycling can deliver. “We yare of the opinion that we create additional value for our customers when we can go a step further into the details,” says Lang.
Recycling more than 400 different types of scrap metal is an enormous challenge in terms of inventory assessment and management. "In the past, our records were written down manually on slips of paper and later added to AMCS. As a result, our inventories were not updated every day, which exposed us to additional costs," he told us.
Because inventory – in terms of both quantity and in-process category – is one of the most important control variables for Lang Recycling, they wanted a way to track everything in real-time. Lang adds, “We were also aware of the fact that there was a lot of capital in our inventories and we wanted to manage it more actively.”
“AMCS has provided us with these insights,” Schmidt adds. “Now we can follow the complete journey for every material that comes into the sorting process.” This has allowed them to immediately detect any errors that may have been made before the record is finalized.
Real-time business insights
Lang Recycling’s Production & Warehouse Manager Alexander Schmidt tells us, “It’s important to work with specialized software so that any new development idea or trend can be immediately adopted by everyone to integrate it further. A very significant factor in our industry is the transparency of business insights. This means that the inputs of the material must be analyzed as quickly as possible.” It is crucial for the business that they can see where materials will go and where the value will be added in the process until they go out again.
“AMCS has provided us with these insights,” Schmidt adds. “Now we can follow the complete journey for every material that comes into the sorting process.” This has allowed them to immediately detect any errors that may have been made before the record is finalized. An additional advantage is an opportunity that brings for identifying potential training needs, such as when there are common errors that operators make.
Being able to see clearly how materials flow through the business process in real-time is not only improving operational efficiency; it also gives them more ability to protect and expand the margins so the company can continue to offer more service and more value. In addition, for a company where inventory is key, better management and control means a real reduction of their business risks.
AMCS has developed a mobile reporting app, which enables us to record and document inventory flows directly on the move. Additionally, to the mobile recording, we have also introduced the AMCS Business Intelligence solution, which allows us to better forecast and better align our sellers with quantity inflows.
Real savings in the cost of capital
Eduard Panaset, IT manager Lang Recycling: "AMCS has developed a mobile reporting app, which enables us to record and document inventory flows directly on the move. Additionally, to the mobile recording, we have also introduced the AMCS Business Intelligence solution, which allows us to better forecast and better align our sellers with quantity inflows. This allows us to react more flexibly and quickly to market shifts."
"Overall, the improved data quality of the latter product helps us to speed up processing and make every decision based on sound information. By using mobile reporting and AMCS RSBI, we were able to reduce our warehouse inventory by around 25%. As a result, we were able to save capital costs of around 40,000 euros. At the same time, we held regular position management meetings to raise employees' awareness of the amount of capital tied up and to improve the overall transparency of the inventories."
Improving the overall transparency of the inventories
Gaining intelligent insights with RSBI to better manage their massive inventory in real-time has helped Lang Recycling reduce their warehouse inventory by around 25%, creating real savings in their cost of capital. Watch the video interview with Lang Recycling.
Lang Recycling achieves success using the following AMCS solution:
- AMCS Recy: Learn more about AMCS Recy here
You also have to be able to understand where the materials are going to go, just as you have to be able to bring the value-adding material flows back into the exit. AMCS has provided us with this transparency.
metal recycling brochure
Learn how AMCS Platform for Metal Recycling will streamline operational processes throughout your company, increasing both efficiency and profit margins.
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Read more on how Lang Recycling was able to reduce their warehouse inventory by about 25%.
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