News March 2019 Updated May 2021

Recycling Today

Agents of change

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An article, written by Recycling Today - Brand Vision AMCS

AMCS started its operations in Ireland in 2004. It grew from there into the United Kingdom, then into Sweden and Europe, and finally entering the North American market. As the company grew, it continued its aggressive investment in its technologies and people, but it also acquired companies that added strategic value.

Jimmy Martin started the software company after a successful career in the semiconductor business. AMCS began by serving the material recovery facility (MRF), paper, and plastics recycling sector. Over time, it also started to serve the metals recycling sector as well.

“We began in the MRF, paper, and plastics recycling sector because we saw a real opportunity to contribute to growing efforts to create a circular economy,” Martin says. “As we grew our knowledge of the recycling industry, we quickly saw that the metals sector is a major economic driver to the industry. Some 80 to 90 percent of it is recycled. Commercial recycling of paper and old corrugated containers (OCC) is similar. These materials really help to drive the market in developed economies and are often the entry point for recycling efforts in developing economies.”

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