Blog September 2020 Updated September 2023

End-to-end solution covers all metal recycling business processes

AMCS Metal Recycling Software increases margins whilst reducing business risks and costs

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AMCS Metal Recycling Software increases margins whilst reducing business risks and costs

Comprehensive coverage of all business processes in metal recycling. The AMCS Metal Recycling Software provides exactly that. That is clear from the presentation of Christian Pollklesener, Head of Professional Services, AMCS Germany, during the eREC 2020 virtual tradeshow. In this webinar, he explains what this means in detail and how this can be a great asset for metal recycling companies.

The AMCS Metal Recycling Software is an industry-specific end-to-end solution for the global recycling and waste management industry. This includes solutions for multi customers/multi loads, pricing, contract management, dispatching, weighing both on the weighbridge and on the scales in the yard, and mobile grading. The metal recycling software also provides inbound material management, inventory management, fleet and container management, trading, cost center reporting, and accounting complete with a self-service customer portal and document management.

The in-built workflow processes follow the operational processes in the order as they are handled within the company. All the way from contracting, purchase, and sales, dispatching of the shipment, weighing and material grading to processing, invoicing and crediting, payment and reporting, Christian Pollklesener explains during the webinar.

The mobile app supports working remotely

The series of extensive functionalities of the metal recycling software is complemented by multiple mobile apps that run on any device to work remotely such as for mobile weighing, mobile grading of the materials and taking pictures in the yard. Due to the real-time exchange of data these pictures and all the other data are immediately available in the back office meaning all the information is always up-to-date.

One of the mobile apps Christian Pollklesener mentions during the webinar, runs on the drivers' device and provides a series of functionalities. “For instance, it supports the driver with unmanned weighing at the weighbridge. That is easily done with one click. This provides companies with the major advantage of being able to extend their opening hours, Christian, says. “The mobile options also include sending a  message from the driver to the planner, to take photos of the containers, accept signatures from customers and create a new run in the application.”

Mobile grading prevents queries about invoices

Mobile grading is the other main important mobile apps and is used in the yard to grade incoming materials. The functionalities are specifically tailored for the metal recycling industry. In addition to grading a material amongst others, these include the ability to split a load. Furthermore, the mobile grading app can register any contamination of the load, Christian gives as another example

“In this event, for instance, price and quality adjustments can be made, including the percentage of the load and a picture of that particular contamination. Graded material is immediately available in the central system, including all the photos and linked to the corresponding transaction. This prevents discussions about the quality of the material and with that possible disagreement about the invoice.”

Increasing efficiencies and margins while reducing risk and costs

From the explanation of Christian, it becomes clear that the metal recycling software covers all conceivable processes within the recycling and waste management industry. The solution is geared up to completely cover every imageable aspect of metal recycling, he states.

“Automating the entire operation with the metal recycling software increases both efficiencies and margins and additionally also contributes to cost savings. ” Due to the real-time data exchange, the AMCS Metal Recycling Software streamlines operational processes and provides a continual 360° overview. This gives metal recycling companies a complete picture of the incoming streams, processing on the yard and the sale of commodities, at the same time enabling them to reduce their business and operational risks.”  

AMCS Metal Recycling Software

The AMCS Metal Recycling Software is an industry-specific solution for global metal recycling companies. The end-to-end solution provides a whole range of functionalities to automate the complete recycling operation. With this, the metal recycling software provides the largest functionality for the recycling industry. The AMCS Metal Recycling Software is currently installed in 42 countries in Europe, North America and Asia with over 600 companies in the recycling and waste management industry. The solution supports16 languages and provides over 800 parameters, offering high flexibility and customizable solutions. This guarantees reliable and fast support for all customers and allows for painless updates.

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