Recy Systems - Metal Recycling Software

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Following the acquisition of Recy Systems in 2019, the Recy websites were redirected into our AMCS Group website.

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Recy Systems software has since been fully integrated into the AMCS Platform for Metal system.

AMCS Platform for Metal is a scalable, cloud-based platform - purpose built to enhance efficiency, reduce costs and increase productivity in metal recycling companies. Making it the perfect choice for people interested in the Recy system. Read on to learn more about AMCS Platform for Metal Recycling.

AMCS Platform for Metal Recycling

AMCS Platform helps you automate and streamline for a transparent, accurate view of your operations in real-time.

Our end-to-end software simplifies complex metal recycling processes, with scrap specific solutions for:

  • Inventory control
  • Material grading
  • Commodity trading
  • Scale (weighbridge integration) integration
  • Logistics (both inbound and outbound)
  • CRM
  • Brokerage
  • Billing and Payments (AR/AP)
  • Accounting (AMCS Financials)

Take control and eliminate inefficiency in your metal recycling business for a head start in the transition to a circular economy.

ready to see what AMCS can do for you?

Our platform for metal recycling will increase your overall operational efficiency, driving down costs and boost your profit margins. Find out how today.

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metal recycling brochure

AMCS Platform helps scrap metal recyclers operate smarter and more sustainably. Download our brochure to find out how.

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Watch AMCS Platform for Metal Recycling video

Managing a commercial recycling enterprise has become increasingly complex and competitive in the global economy. Compliance, inventory management, pricing, grading – each aspect of your business hinges on another.

This complexity can breed inefficiency, and dealing with outdated IT legacy systems and paper processes doesn’t make it any easier. For more than 30 years, AMCS has been helping metal recycling companies regain control of their metal recycling business by simplifying the complex through digitalization. Watch the video and download the brochure below to learn more.

One platform for all lines of business

Integrated Solution Overview


The perfect tool not only for marketing, but for organizing your valuable customer data along with your whole external and internal communication.


Central insights into your customer and data

Our CRM solution is the perfect tool not only for marketing but for organizing your valuable customer data along with your whole external and internal communication. Keep in mind that we have solutions for nearly every spectrum of your business; then imagine what it means to access all the data created in these various applications through one single, easy-to-use program. Then you will fully appreciate the importance of our CRM solution.

Customer and supplier data, volumes and margins, receivables, payables, production data, inventory, contract position, risk exposures, container tracking, and archived documents.

All this and much more information can be accessed by selecting an account or a contact in this application. The integration of phones and e-mail, as well as the major office products from Microsoft, combine to the perfect electronic office. An unlimited number of contacts can be linked to a customer with business and private data and criteria. Activities can be classified in groups and easily opened and connected to the customer, or to a contact. The activity can be scheduled and distributed to other people in your organization.

The software will remind you of important deadlines or activities ahead of time. You can link quotes, letters, emails, and phone calls to the customer or contact. In short, you can do everything which improves the information flow, transparency, and relations with your customers and colleagues. No more searching for correspondence with a business partner in inboxes, document folders, or filing cabinets. Everything is organized and linked to the right person in one place. Naturally with all the security and privacy required.


RECY® Mulco handles all logistic requirements of a recycling business. An intelligent despatching process with graphical presentation of unscheduled and scheduled orders is the heart of the system.


RECY® Mulco handles all logistic requirements of a recycling business. An intelligent despatching process with a graphical presentation of unscheduled and scheduled orders is the heart of the system. With the drag and drop method, new orders can easily be despatched. Changes to existing runs can be done just as simply. The full integration with RECY® scale and invoicing modules optimizes the work process and reduces work and stress for your staff. At all times you have information about the location of your containers and trucks if you use the most advanced technology which RECY® Mulco supports. This includes RFID (Radio-Frequency-Identification), transponders, and GPS. Each container movement can easily be tracked. The truck drivers can be equipped with easy-to-use mobile data collectors working with barcodes or transponders. This even provides automatic operation of the scale by downloading the information stored on a completed run.

A highly efficient system generates automatically pre-defined charges like container rentals, freight, waste removal, etc. These charges are then invoiced through the RECY® program and posted automatically.

RECY® Mulco GPS enables the dispatcher to monitor the location of your trucks as well as their routes, speed, spent time, and distance. A GPS eye that is installed in the truck informs the dispatcher about pre-defined events, for example, arrival at the customer location, longer than normal stops, or the imminent return of the truck to the scale.
The despatch stays always in connection with the trucks and can view them on a digital map which is integrated with the application. The permanent recording of all vehicle movements allows for seamless documentation and analysis of the operation of your trucks. Time and distances can be used for internal cost accounting and for the evaluation of customer business.

Transponders, RFID, and GPS integrate in an optimal way but can be used independently, according to the objectives of your company.
RECY® Mulco does not only offer numerous high-tech solutions with favorable cost-efficiency relations, but we also develop tailor-made solutions for any special logistical requirements. We provide project management and the guarantee for a fast and successful implementation.

Mobile Grading App

A mobile app allows the yardmaster to control the trucks in the yard and grade the material which is unloaded.

Mobile Grading App

A mobile App allows the yardmaster to control the trucks in the yard and grade the material which is unloaded. The application runs on a touch screen device that is linked to the database by either Wi-Fi or GPRS. As soon as the scale master has registered the first weight in, the yardmaster can see the truck on his device. He can select the commodities using a tableau that can be easily be set up and maintained by the customer.

The yardmaster can split the load into multiple commodities by percentage and can also add deductions for the whole load or by commodity. As soon as he releases the truck through a touch on his device, the data is available at the scale. The scale master can see that the grading is done and takes the tare weight of the truck. The scale master does not have to enter any of this data. The risk of miscommunication is largely reduced.

The device is also capable of taking pictures and linking them directly to the commodities on the ticket.

Contract Management

Create contracts of all types: purchase orders, or sales contracts, based on yearly volume, metal content, unfixed or fixed prices, recovery percentages, and more.

Contract Management

In our Metal Recycling Software Solution, you can create contracts of all types: purchase orders, or sales contracts, based on yearly volume, metal content, unfixed or fixed prices, recovery percentages, hedging with the London Metal Exchange (LME), and many more options. You can also use the application for quotes.

The contracts can be sent by e-mail to your business partner. After authorization, the signature can be added electronically for truly paperless handling.

The contract position is updated in real-time providing vital information in the metal business. Position cannot only be controlled by a group of metals or commodities but also on a contract level in trading activities. The software answers your question whether you are long or short on a large contract, are you over a pre-defined risk limit, what is priced and what has to be fixed still. This information can automatically be brought to the attention of the responsible trader through our CRM system.

Especially for trading, we provide results on shipment, contract, and/or trader level, giving you effective control of the business. In regard to foreign currency, the software has the option to fix currency rates by contract or link foreign currency deals with a physical contract. This reduces risk, provides correct results, and easy reconciliation.

Price Management

The flexible pricing management allows for the very frequent price modifications in the recycling business.

Price Management

The flexible pricing management allows for very frequent price modifications in the recycling business. Prices are based on a multitude of criteria, commodities, customers, customer groups, customer locations, date range, quantities, price codes, or sites. Updates can be easily done through base price lists, linked or unlinked to markets.

Prices can be linked-to base price or market price lists with a plus or minus an adjustment for each customer. Price fixations based on LME or COMEX can be processed and a fixation notice mailed to the customer.


AMCS/RECY provides full integration of truck and platform scales, which allows for smooth and reliable data flow with no duplicate data entry.


AMCS/RECY provides full integration of truck and platform scales, which allows for smooth and reliable data flow with no duplicate data entry. While implementing our software in your company, our staff will spend considerable time with your scale people in the first days to ensure that this important work process is handled efficiently without any problems.

The weighing of a truck triggers a whole chain of events and provides the basic data for inventory, contract positions, cash/cashless purchases as well as purchase and sales invoices. The better the work at the scale is organized, the faster the trucks can be moved through the yard and back office work is reduced to controlling. With the application, a good scale master can handle 60-70% of the administrative work in a recycling business, provided your master data is well organized and the price management is used.

AMCS offers intelligent and fast procedures for the scale process which provide high security and good control at the same time. The weights are transferred automatically from the scale electronics. When the logistics package (fleet planner) is used, supplier, location, truck, commodity, etc. can be picked up directly from the dispatched run. For platform scales which are used for non-ferrous metals, AMCS offers fast work-flow, based on touch-screen technology, which meets all the requirements needed in this area. AMCS integrates also with camera systems, taking photos which are automatically archived with the received commodities.

For the sorting and evaluation of mixed metals and metal alloys, WIP sorting, quality control features and interfaces to spectral analysis equipment are available.


Stock/Inventory management in a scrap recycling company can be considered as one of the most demanding in any industry.


Stock/Inventory management in a scrap recycling company can be considered as one of the most demanding in any industry. This is due to the fact that you do not have clearly defined products which are easily identifiable. In this industry, you buy commodities which are sorted, separated, or processed and re-classified. Inventory is not only built through purchases but through transfers based on various production and sorting processes.

The initial inventory is updated as soon as it is received in your yard, and the truck or railcar leaves your scale. The received goods are priced through multi-dimensional price management or through linking them to a contract. The standard evaluation method used in the recycling industry is the weighted average method. FIFO or LIFO methods are also offered. The direct cost of sales like freight or tolling can be linked to the shipment at any time. You can start with a calculated cost and later allocate the effective cost through freight control or other processes.

The new inventory can be automatically be posted to the accounting system at month-end. The entry consists of the evaluated inventory gain or loss in comparison to the previous fiscal period, optionally separated by profit center.


Some of the largest trading companies in the recycling industry are using our industry-specific solution


Some of the largest trading companies in the recycling industry are using our Metal Recycling solution. A complete suite of programs and functions was added to the application for these clients. This includes the linkage of purchase and sales contracts in a true n:m relation. The broker can dispatch the shipments, generate the necessary shipping documents, and order transport. The software enables the broker to have continuous control of their contractual position.

The system automatically creates corresponding transactions on the purchase and on the sales side which are updated in a complete workflow with weights and values.

The Online module has further functionality. Here the suppliers of the broker can link via a secure Internet connection to the database of the brokerage company, view their contracts, and can dispatch shipments or requests for railcars. The supplier does the work for the broker in this case as the purchase contract is linked to the sales order internally. The broker has only to update the consumer weights, and handle other adjustments which are copied to both sides of the deal. A true B2B solution!

The margin on a brokered deal can be controlled on every level, by shipment, by contract, by project, by a consumer, or by the supplier. The existing data structure allows for complete and valued analysis.

Freight Control

Freight is the largest cost factor besides material and production in a recycling business.

Freight Control

Freight is the largest cost factor besides material and production in a recycling business. In a trading business, it can make or break a deal. It is therefore highly important that the trader can find the best available transport and that the freight cost is closely controlled. RECY® provides the best tools for the trader to manage these costs.

Freight and other direct costs like harbor fees, surveyor, insurance, landfill, etc. can be added to a contract with the calculated value. At the time of the shipment, these costs are updated if necessary.

The invoice from the transport company can then be electronically matched with the freight on record for the shipments. This method prevents any incorrect or duplication of charges. As the freight bills are automatically posted after control, the accounting department is only involved with the payment of the bills.

Numerous reports allow the detailed analysis of freight and other direct cost and also monitor the performance of your freight carriers.


Cash (where permitted) / cashless purchases are daily practice in most recycling companies and require a well-designed and secure software solution.


Cash (where permitted) / cashless purchases are daily practice in most recycling companies and require a well-designed and secure software solution. The software includes a fully integrated electronic cash box; cash purchase tickets, cash sales documents, and the complete work and data flow which is necessary. The payment itself can be done by cash money (where permitted), cheques/checks, debit cards, or fast bank transfer. AMCS also provides interfaces to ATM machines located on your premises.

ID cards can be scanned by an integrated device and processed within seconds creating an accurate trade account. IDs, photos, and even fingerprints can be linked to the cash transactions providing full compliance with the laws of your country. Signatures can also be captured through a panel and stored with the cash receipt.

All cash transactions can be reconciled with a daily cash report and then posted automatically into the accounting system.


In most countries, self-billing is allowed and is well used in the recycling industry. The recycling company prints the purchase invoice for the supplier.


In most countries, self-billing is allowed and is well used in the recycling industry. The recycling company prints the purchase invoice for the supplier. This reduces the work for controlling and eliminates the manual posting of purchase invoices.

The purchase invoice or settlement is based on previously negotiated prices or contracts, and the scale tickets which the supplier has received when the commodities were picked up or delivered by the supplier. Numerous requirements by country or region are considered and customized solutions are available.

The automatic separation of material and service items in payables and receivables on two separate documents due to positive and negative prices is just one of many special requirements in this industry.

Many companies pay their suppliers by check which is mailed with the settlement. This means payment outside the accounting system which creates a problem for most accounting packages but not for AMCS accounting. Through a check control account that handles the un-cleared checks, bank reconciliation is largely eliminated. The issued checks are added to the checkbook and can be easily cleared when it is charged to the bank account.


Sales shipments are handled through the scale program if from the yard, or in the back office in the case of trading. Prices are retrieved from a contract or a price file.


Sales shipments are handled through the scale program if from the yard, or in the back office in the case of trading. Prices are retrieved from a contract or a price file.

All industry or country-specific requirements are fully met by AMCS. The quite complex regulations within the European Union like intra-community deliveries, triangulation, EU service charges, etc., are controlled by tax codes that handle VAT and Intrastat Reporting according to the European laws.

For overseas shipments, the system produces all relevant shipping documents like bills of lading, Pro-forma invoices, customs documents, packing lists, insurance, etc. The integrated word processing provides the flexibility which is needed in this area.

For adjustments to consumer weights and claims, we provide highly efficient functions.

Intelligent accounting to fit your metal recycling business

An agile accounting package helps metal recycling operators easily keep track of profit and loss for an accurate business overview and reduced operating costs.

AMCS Financials is an accounting solution that is tightly integrated with the AMCS Platform to deliver business value specific to the recycling industry such as:

  • Increased visibility and control
  • Greater automation
  • Extensive reporting

All features required to help you excel in the challenging metal recycling industry where variable supply and demand and fluctuating commodity prices make accurate accounting difficult.

Improve visibility, automate for efficiency and increase flexibility

AMCS Financials Benefits

Clear reporting

All entries are immediately visible in the balance sheet for profit and loss reporting.

Clear reporting

All entries are immediately visible in the balance sheet for profit and loss reporting. Open multiple fiscal periods and report monthly figures forward or backward. Helping you close fiscal periods with ease.

Efficient accounting

View open and paid receivables and payables for enhanced ageing and payment analysis.

Efficient accounting

View open and paid receivables and payables for enhanced ageing and payment analysis.

Cost and profit center allocation supports extensive reporting.

Profit center reporting provides figures for purchases, sales, inventory, freight, and other direct costs, with expenses also allocated to each profit center.

Providing efficient reconciliation for an effective understanding of profits.

Save time

Up to 80% of all accounting entries are generated automatically through the AMCS Platform for Recycling.

Save time

Up to 80% of all accounting entries are generated automatically through the AMCS Platform for Recycling

Manual entries can be easily indexed and saved to an optical archive for instant access.

Digital documents are automatically indexed and stored securely and reliably.

Eliminate manual tasks

Simplify report generation by importing recurring accounting entries which are then posted automatically.

Eliminate manual tasks

Simplify report generation by importing recurring accounting entries which are then posted automatically.

Reduce paper filing with digital scale tickets, bills of lading, sales invoices, settlements and contracts.

Find documents faster and re-print or securely email out with ease.

Operate internationally

Adhere to country-specific VAT laws with ease using software parameters.

Operate internationally

Adhere to country-specific VAT laws with ease using software parameters.

Work in a separate reporting currency parallel to your local currency and maintain currency rates on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis.

Revalue your receivables and payables with a new currency rate and create automatic entries for currency loss and gains.

Helping you adjust to rapid currency fluctuations and direct your business accordingly.

Improve budgeting

Simplify accounting with predefined reports for balance sheets, profit and loss, and other fiscal output.

Improve budgeting

Simplify accounting with predefined reports for balance sheets, profit and loss, and other fiscal output.

Download flexible reports as an EXCEL spreadsheet for easy access to figures.

Link other business figures like tonnages or staff count for a better grip of budgets.

Run consolidated balance sheets for a clear view of your financial position across multiple companies, locations or countries.

Customers using AMCS Metal Recycling Software

metal recycling software

Flexible ERP solutions designed to boost digitalization. Helping scrap metal recyclers worldwide to increase agility and embrace new business opportunities.

scale house weighing

Intelligent scale house weighing software designed to collect, monitor, and manage weight data for a more productive and efficient landfill, transfer or recycling facility.

grading and quality evaluation

The AMCS Grading and Quality software is designed to simplify quality management and boost profitability.

View other solutions

Relevant Resources

Larger margins strengthen competitiveness metal recyclers
End-to-end solution covers all metal recycling business processes
Operational insights enables quick responses for metal recyclers
View other resources

Learn what our Metal Recycling software can do for your business

Let AMCS show you how to optimize your operations to increase profits, improve for efficiency and grow your business. Giving your business a competitive edge.